The Training Section is in charge of coordinating and developing training for the entire FSU Police Department. Our sworn police officers are required to attend various types of training year round. This training includes firearms, defensive tactics, driving, CPR, critical incident response, domestic violence, etc.
All officers also attend advanced training at the Police Academy. The Training Section seeks out new training while identifying training needs in the department. The Training Section further oversees the Field Training Program for newly hired officers. The Field Training Program consists of seventeen weeks of training for all new officers. The newly hired officer will not be allowed to act as an independent officer until they successfully complete the program. A similar program is also applied to all new communication officers. The Training Section further performs various duties that include making sure that all officers are trained on all their issued equipment, writes lesson plans for training and approves lesson plans written by department instructors. The training environment in law enforcement is ever changing due to advanced technology, and needs of the university community. The Training Section makes sure that FSUPD stays on the cutting edge of law enforcement and assures that all officers are properly trained to meet the needs of the FSU community.