101 - Organization & Authority 201 - Limits of Authority-Arrest Procedures 202 - Arrests, Searches, and Seizures 203 - Prohibition of Biased Policing 301 - Written Directive System 302 - Crime Bulletins & FSU Alert 303 - Campus Crime Reporting 304 - Big Bend Crime Stoppers 305 - Student Intern & Civilian Volunteer Programs 307 - Police Chaplain Program 309 - Media Relations and Public Information 310 - Reserve Officer Program - Part-Time Sworn Members 311 - Traffic Crash Review Board 312 - Sexual Offenders and Predators 313 - Personally Owned Cell Phone Usage 314 - Social Media - Department Management and Member Utilization 315 - Exposure Control Plan 316 - Accreditation Familiarization 317 - Court Notices, Subpoenas, Depositions & Hearings 318 - Ride-Along Program 319 - Death Notification Procedures 401 - Grievance and Complaint Procedures 402 - Standards of Conduct & Disciplinary Process 403 - Off Duty Employment 404 - Departmental Awards Program 405 - Uniforms, Equipment, Dress Code, and Appearance 406 - Sexual & Other Harassment 407 - Departmental Recruitment 408 - Law Enforcement Officer Job Applicant Selection Process 409 - Physical Ability Testing 410 - Departmental Promotion for Sworn Positions 411 - Departmental Promotion for Civilian Employees 412 - Special Assignments for Sworn Positions 413 - Extra Duty - Overtime Employment 414 - Performance Evaluations 415 - Internal Affairs and Citizen Complaints 416 - Light Duty Assignment - Employee Injury or Illness 417 - Nondiscrimination in the Workplace 418 - Investigations On-Call Procedures 419 - Flag Etiquette 501 - General and In-Service Training 502 - Field Training and Evaluation Program 503 - First Line Supervisor Training 601 - Response to Resistance 602 - Firearms 603 - Less-Lethal Weapons Excluding Tasers 604 - Tasers 605 - On-Duty Officer Involved Shooting 701 - Panama City Branch Campus Operations 702 - Victim's-Witness's Rights and FSU Victim Advocate Program 703 - Patrol Shift Assigement and Roll Call Procedures 704 - Responding to Routine & Emergency Calls 705 - Special Purpose Vehicles 706 - Motor Vehicle Pursuits 707 - Police Vehicles and Equipment 708 - Agency Owned Take Home Vehicles - Vehicle Use Policy 709 - Juvenile Arrests and Custodial Procedures 710 - Juvenile Civil Citation Program 711 - Traffic Administration and Enforcement 712 - Discretionary Traffic Enforcement 713 - Speed Detection 714 - Foreign Nationals 715 - Mobile Video Recording Systems (MVRS) 716 - DUI Enforcement and Zero Tolerance - 0.02 Violations 717 - Traffic Crash Investigations 718 - Traffic Control 719 - Traffic Assistance and Vehicle Towing-Impoundment 720 - Prisoner Transport 721 - Temporary Custody 723 - Elevator Extrication 724 - Emergency Opioid Antagonist Program - Naloxone - Narcan Use 725 - Florida Risk Protection Order Act 726 - Canine (K-9) Team 801 - Investigations 802 - Investigations Section Case Management 804 - Interviews and Interrogations 808 - Polygraph Examinations 809 - Field Interviews and Trespass Warning 810 - Eyewitness Identifications-Show-Ups, Photographic, and Live Lineups 811 - Missing Persons 812 - Interviews of Victims, Suspects, and Defendants with Autism 813 - Criminal Intelligence 901 - Special Events 1101 - Communications Procedures 1102 - Communications Facilities and Equipment 1103 - Qualified Interpreter for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing 1105 - Driver and Vehicle Information Database (DAVID) 1106 - Electronic License and Vehicle Information Systems (ELVIS) 1107 - CJIS 1108 - Mobile Data Terminals 1109 - Utilization and Security of Computer Hardware and Software 1110 - License Plate Reader 1111 - Rapid ID Device (RIDD) 1201 - Records Management 1202 - Field Reporting Procedures 1301 - Collection and Preservation of Evidence 1302 - Evidence and Property Control System