Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Training

R.A.D. is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. The R.A.D. system is a comprehensive, women-only course of instruction that begins with awareness, prevention, risk, and risk avoidance. It then progresses to teaching hands-on self-defense training, but it is not a martial arts program.


The course is taught by nationally-certified R.A.D. instructors, and provides each student with a workbook and manual. The manual outlines the entire physical defense program which facilities women students' personal growth, and further serves as an information source after completion of the course.

The University Police Department also permits women students, who have graduated from the R.A.D. course, to attend R.A.D. training sessions without charge at any time throughout their lives.

The R.A.D. System's instructional objective is to develop and enhance the options ofself-defense, so such options become viable considerations to the woman who might be attacked. R.A.D. is a twelve-hour course, which is broken upinto four, three-hour sessions offered during evenings, or two, six-hour sessions offered during weekends. The students are dressed inspecial protective gear when they are attacked by an aggressor, who is also dressed in special protective gear. Students must fight their way to an exit or designated safe place upon being attacked.This dynamic simulation empowers the women participants by teachingthem the essentials of fighting back, and fighting back effectively!.

R.A.D. is offered all over the United Sates and Canada. Once graduating from R.A.D., students can return and practice their self-defense skills at any location where R.A.D. is offered. Therefore, the women participants acquire self-defense skills in a relatively short period of time, and, moreover, are offered the opportunity to relearn, master, and practice these skills throughout their lives.

At Florida State University, R.A.D. has been offered since the fall of 1996. R.A.D. classes are open to any woman student, faculty, staff, or local community member. Currently, R.A.D. has been taught to over 1,500 women, and the classes get bigger each semester.

The Department's R.A.D Systems Program has been covered by all three local TV news broadcasts, and has also been featured in FSView (campus newspaper), Tallahassee Magazine, and State (the FSU employee newsletter).

Training Schedule

Are you an FSU Student? R.A.D. CAN ALSO BE A CREDIT COURSE!!! Get one hour elective credit for R.A.D. by taking the course through FSU. The course number is PEM 1404 and you must register through FSU (through Canvas). All classes are currently full at this time.

We currently are not hosting any non-credit classes due to availability.

*Classes will open up for signups approximately 3 weeks prior to the start of class.

You must attend all sessions within the class you choose, although simulations are voluntary. A minimum of 6 students are needed for each class, so bring a friend! Except where noted, R.A.D. is open to all women of the community.

All Classes will be located at Tanner Hall

Students under 18 years of age, must have a parental consent form signed PRIOR to attending class.

  • R.A.D. is a free*, fun class for women only!
  • R.A.D. teaches you to defend yourself- stop depending on others!
  • R.A.D. is only 12 hours long, with the last 3 hours as a voluntary simulation!
  • R.A.D. teaches you to recognize dangerous situations- this could save your life!

Sign Up

HOW TO ATTEND: Register by clicking on the Sign Up button above, or by calling/emailing the FSU Police Department’s Crime Prevention Unit: Officer Rob Scavone, 850-644-1388, rscavone@fsu.edu. Please leave your name and contact number along with the class you wish to attend. Attend as a walk-in student. Registration is recommended in case of schedule changes.

*Free is for NON-CREDIT classes only. In order to be eligible for the credit class, you must be a current FSU student and the associated fees are to be paid through the Student Financial Services Office.